
Read-a-thon || LGBT Read-a-thon: Goals, Updates, and Wrap-Up

It is now Wednesday the 27th of May. The read-a-thon started on Monday, and so far I haven't done so well. I do have an excuse though. Monday was all about preparing for my exam that started Tuesday, so I didn't actually have any time to read. Same thing with reading on Tuesday. It was a 24 hours written exam - which meant I had 24 hours to get everything done. Now I've handed in my exam paper, and I've even gotten a little bit of sleep - I'm still completely dead on my feet, with having had only four hours of sleep in the last 30 hours. But now that that's all over, I have time to read. And read I will.

Goals & Books:
My goal for this week is to read two books, and I feel like even that is setting the bar too high.   But We'll see, I might end up surprising myself and read more than that. I haven't chosen the books that I want to read, except the first one, but I do have a fairly big selection to choose from.

The first books I'm going to read, and have already started, is Something Like Autumn by Jay Bell. It's been waiting for me for too long now, and I have to pick it up. Besides that I don't know what I'll pick up - I'll have to see what looks good to me when I get there. However, I will show you some of the books I have to choose from. There's a couple of physical books, and I also have chunk of eBooks to choose from.

(A small selection of eBooks)

(Some of the beauties I have on my shelve)

Updates Wrap-up
(Throughout the week I will update this page with all of my reading... Or the lack of it)

Honestly there hasn't been all that much to update you all on. I've read about 23% of Something Like Autumn, and that's about it. It's been such a busy week, much busier than I had thought it was going to be. All in all, my participation in this has been a tiny bit of a failure on my side. But I am determined to redeem myself at the next LGBT Read-a-thon at the end of June. And with that said, next time I want to participate on twitter even more than this time.

Did you participate in the read-a-thon? If so, how did you do? Would you participate next time?

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